looks like Brother Herd may have beat up his wife a few times for over-cooking his steak.
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
the insanity of Sam herds talks at the convention
by purrpurr ini've picked up two that stood out to me but i'm sure others will have noticed more:.
he gave an illustration about fearing god and he said it is like a wife who has spent all day preparing the evening meal for her husband and she hears him come home and perhaps she is trembling a bit out of fear that he might not like the meal she has cooked for him....!!!!!!!!????.
the other was about verbal abuse and how it should not be used but rather than site the effect it has or the forms it can take he said that we shouldn't call each other " dumb dumb" or "knuckle head" .
by NAVYTOWN inthe jws make such a big deal about not taking (eating) blood in any form.
that being the case, shouldn't they avoid eating steaks?
even a well- done steak still contains the animals blood.
Calebs Airplane
Here's the convoluted response I've heard...
"Jehovah knows how to read our hearts. If he sees that someone knowingly violates Bible principles regarding blood, that person will not survive Armageddon. On the other hand, if a JW consumes food without knowing that said food might have some blood, Jehovah will forgive that JW. "
So... It's OK to eat steak. Just pretend you don't know that it may contain some blood.
Celebrating 100 years of Armageddon NOT coming
by Smiles inwill they "celebrate" 120 yrs... 150 yrs... 200 yrs... ?.
when will it stop?.
the wt now has its organization actually celebrating.
Calebs Airplane
Celebrating 100 years of Armageddon NOT coming
by Smiles inwill they "celebrate" 120 yrs... 150 yrs... 200 yrs... ?.
when will it stop?.
the wt now has its organization actually celebrating.
Calebs Airplane
Reminds me of the spin they put on 1914... The year that Armageddon was supposed to happen... Most Bible Students were disappointed, pissed or disillusioned... But the Watchtower Corporation now says that, while "some" were looking for a heavenly reward, most Bible Students were happy that the "Gentile Times " had ended... And they can do this (blatantly lie about their history) because Pro 3:18 allows them to...
Members of the writing department has resigned
by hardtobeme inthis is what i found at anointedjw.org.
i don't know if it's true.
on august 25, 2014, we received the following comment and inquiry: .
Calebs Airplane
by BucketShopBill inwant to know how a lie can turn into a compliment?
only in the jw mindset!!!.
we got called into the dreaded back room after meeting to find two elders wanting to discuss a 'serious' matter with us.
Calebs Airplane
Sloppy damage control. Because they can.
Why Do Witnesses Promote A Unhealthy Lifestyle, My COBE weighs 340lbs (5ft 7in).
by BucketShopBill inplease don't take this the wrong way if your battling weight problems, that's not what this thread is meant to talk about.
i am asking this question because jehovah's witnesses claim they have "the best way of life", "god's blessing", "the truth" and are trying to change the habits of healthy people by turning them in to their own makings.
i watched people who were great athletes turn all their muscle in to fat because we would get a elder or circuit overseer make remarks they were spending too much time "working out" and "bodily training is beneficial for little".
Calebs Airplane
I've never heard of anyone being disfellowshipped for gluttony either...
They came swiftly and left like a speeding bullet, JW.ORG
by jam ini was in the den when the old lady yell, "your friends are here".. at the door stood a jw.
hi sir (no good morning sir) we have a web site,.
jw.org in different languages.
Calebs Airplane
Quality (or should I say Meaty) "presentations" practically disappeared in the late 90's. I remember when dubs were expected to read and explain at least 2 Bible verses, then allow the householder to express his/her thoughts on the matter before even pulling out any mags or literature. Afterwards, you had to provide a summary of the latest mags and offer these along with other tracts or books. Now it's a game of "hit-and-run" using anorexic mags and tracts. This cult is limping it's way to a slow and painful death...
You can't play lotto, but you can accept a lottery ticket.
by JH in.
can someone explain to me why a witness can't go and buy a lottery ticket for himself, but can keep a ticket they find on the ground or keep a ticket they receive as a gift from a worldly person.. that's the explaination the witnesses gave me when i joined many years ago.. if it's a sin to play lotto, why can they accept a ticket as a gift or keep one they could find?.
Calebs Airplane
By Watchtower standards, that's the same as prohibiting the purchase of a cross but allowing dubs to accept these as gifts.
How Did A Proven "Fake," "Phony" Arrangement ["governing body"] ...Become The "Faithful & Discreet Slave" Arrangement???
by Littleleslie inquestion:.
how did a proven "fake," "phony" arrangement [like "governing body" arrangement]...become the "faithful & discreet slave" arrangement???.
so then if it can be proven, the "governing body" term and arrangement is a farce, a fake, a made-up nonscriptural arrangement itself, (made up and concocted by nathan knorr & frederick franz in 1944) then how can this fake arrangement now suddenly become the "faithful & discreet slave" that jesus spoke of?
Calebs Airplane
Your question is backwards. The "Faithful & Discreet Slave" went from being approximately 11,000 JWs around the globe to 7 mentally deranged men in Brooklyn Heights, New York.